BA' s Blog

Friday, 29 November 2024

Lab Activity : DH

Lab Activity : DH

This blog is a part of lab activity in which roll no wise task was assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad Sir  of CLIC - Activity Book .

Activity for me was about the 10. Setting and atmosphere in novels so here it is,

10. Setting and atmosphere in novels

The setting (where and when a story happens) and the atmosphere (the mood or feeling of the story) are very important in novels. Different authors create different worlds, but we can compare them to see how they reflect their time and society.

For example:

Charles Dickens wrote a lot about life in cities, often showing hard times and poverty.

Jane Austen wrote more about life in the countryside, focusing on people’s relationships and manners.

We can use something called keyword comparison to study their writing. This looks at which words each author uses more often compared to others.

In Austen’s books, words like she, her, and words about feelings, kindness, love, and marriage appear more often. This shows her focus on relationships and social life.

In Dickens’ books, words like his, Mr, and body parts (like face, hand, head) are common. He also uses words about cities and physical things, like streets, fire, money, and prison, which reflect life in a busy, tough city.

By looking at these words in their stories, we can see their styles and themes. For example, in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, the word fire appears often and helps create a warm, hopeful feeling, while also symbolizing change.

In short, studying the words an author uses helps us understand what their stories are about and how they create their worlds.

Thank You!

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Bhav Spandan Youth Festival 2024

 Bhav Spandan Youth Festival 2024

This blog is a part of Bhav Spandan Youth Festival which is assigned by Dr. Professor Dilip Barad Sir, Department of English, MKBU Bhavnagar. which is a platform where the students are able to show their hidden talents including of different creativities like Solo Singing, Poem , Bhajan, dancing, mono act play etc.

This year the Youth Festival was held on 16th to
19th October. Here is a time table of all the events.

On 16th October, the Kalayatra took place, and we were preparing for it. Here are some

Kalayatra :

For the Kalayatra, we have selected the topic of the current situation of the education
System and it's obstacles. We have prepared posters, Some handwritten and some in
the printed form as you can see above.

Kalayatra started from Samaldas college at 4 : 30 pm and we reached at
Swaminarayan School Campus at 7 : 15 pm.

Inauguration Ceremony :

Skit :

In the skit there are themes of challenges women face in and the need for women’s empowerment. It started with serious issues like unemployment and problems in education. Other topics included the poor condition of roads in India, corruption in job hiring, and the idea of going paperless. It also explored the unifying message of all Indians are one and the question of related to Gandhian philosophy of non-violence." The performance has debates about rape cases and the dreams of youth.

Installation : 

From the department of English Aakash, Rajdeep, Parthiv and I have participated in the installation competition. There were three major themes in which the participants have to make their installation that are: Accident, Worship and happiness.

Essay Writing

Essay writing is one of the best way to express our thoughts freely
in which topics were given like

In which Dhatri Parmar and Krishna Baraiya had participated in poetry recitation, Essay Writing
and Elocution Competition.
Here are some glimpses of them .

Bhajan :

Folk Song :

1. મોતીડાં પરોવો પાનબાઈ
2. ઘડવૈયા મારે ઠાકોરજી નથી થાવું
3. મને જ્યાં ગમે ત્યાં હરું છું ફરું છું
4. આંબાની ડાળે કોયલ જી રે
5. ઝેર તો પીધાં જાણી જાણી
6. ધૂણી રે ધખાવી રે બેલી
7. રામ તો જોગી રે
8. ઓધાજી મારા વ્હાલાને 

Rangoli :

Mimicry :

In mimicry the participants have shown their skills of mimicking various sounds which includes birds, celebrates, cartoon characters and many sounds from the surroundings.

 On the Spot Painting :

Poster Making:

Paper Collage:

The topics of Paper Collage are as followed;
1. Dancer
2. Portrait
3. Fish Tank

And I have made last year the Portrait.

This year's paper Collage made are,

Glimpse of photo of the  Paper Collage By myself :

Cartooning :

Clay Modelling :

It was very amazing to get a chance to show
 our talent in the Youth Festivals different events and where we put our efforts to do our best than too we were not able to get any of rank but we learned that we have given our best efforts to be a part of the Youth Festivals and have taken part was a Crucial role for us and we have also taken interest in different events as a members of Department of English.
And it had made a memorable moment for us.
That Don't give up in your life just keep learning.

Thinking Activity : Vulture Poem

   'Vulture' by  Chinua Achebe This blog is a part of thinking activity about the poems in which I am going to discuss about the poe...