BA' s Blog

Wednesday, 23 August 2023





There are many tragedies Hamlet,Othello,Coriolanus,Julius Caesar,Macbeth,etc.
But here we are going to discuss the tragedy named King Lear written by Willam Shakespeare.
So in this tragedy KING LEAR where the term Lear means lesson.

So here we will discuss about King Lesson which the title King Lear  reffered as King Lesson. The  King was having three daughters Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia.
Three daughters of King Lear
Once the King Lear asks his daughters that how much they Love his Father and told them to express in words. So Regan and Goneril used their words and said we love you so much which was a false answer and when Cordelia chance Once came she said that i cannot describe in words that how much i love you as a Father. So his father told to her that you dont love as her both sisters love and hus father told her that you do not come again in front of me. And from that time she felt bad and she died after some days.

Now the protagonist of King Lear is Lear. In dividing his Kingdom between Cordelia, Goneril and Regan. Lear sets in motion the events of the play. Lear divides his Kingdom because he wants the last years of his Life to be restful and because he expects his daughters will take care of him.

King Lear a Tragic Hero:

Willam Shakespeares classic tragedy entitled King Lear has one of the most painfully sad endings of all his tragic dramas. The title is an aging King of  Britain who is betrayed by two of his three daughters.

King Lears Hamertia(tragic flaw):

First Hamertia is a term in english which means a flaw in character that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy.(tragic flaw)

King Lears Hamertia

Willam Shakespeares King Lear is a tragedy that centres around an aging King who divides his kingdom among two(Regan and Goneril) of his three daughters. King Lear disowns his other daughter Cordelia and dies of a broken heart after she is hanged.

How his daughter Cordelia died:


where we can see how his daughter died in the end of the play. The climax of the play comes down at the end of the play.

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