BA' s Blog

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Hard Times(Charles Dicken)

Thinking Activity
This blog is a response to Theory of Hard Times(Th Activity) assigned by Dilip Barad Sir, the Department of English,MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about Review of the Hindi play based on "Hard Times".

Now let's discuss the Review of Hindi play based on "Hard Times".
Hard Time is the novel written By Charles Dicken first written in the Serial form (as Hard Times For these Times) in the periodical Household Words from April to August 1854 and in book form later the same year. The novel is a bitter indictment Industrialization, with its dehumanizing effects on workers and communities in mid 19th Century England.

Direction and costume design:- - Kiran Deep Sharma

Adaptation and editing - V.K. Sharma, Kiran Deep Sharma Lyrics V.K. Sharma

Music direction - Kashish Sharma

Voice training and flute - Esra Seher Jung

Roles played as:
Aarti Vasan - Jane and Josephine
Aakash Hingorani - Josiah Bounderby, clown
Abhishekh - Childers, Jupe, doctor. Chitra clown, Mrs. Pegler -
Isha Mrs. Gradgrind, Mrs. Sparsit -
Jyotsana - Louisa
Kajori - Rachel
KiranDeep Sharma - singer
Kunal - Tom, clown
Lakshya Goel - Stephen, narrator, stuntman Prakash Mr. Sleary, James Harthouse.
Pulkit - butler, clown
Santosh - Dilkhush, circus crowd
Saif Bitzer, stuntman Sajid Anwer Mr. Choakumchild, Kidder, Stephen's wife
Shubham - Sissy
Sudipto Banerjee - Mr. Gradgrind
V.K. Sharma - narrator
(This information of play is taken from the video of Hindi play based on Hard Times)
As we know that these play is Based on Hard Times written bh Charles Dicken and it is interesting to watch.
In these hindi  play we can find two Characters 1st one is Sutradhar,
2nd one is Nat.
Where we can see in the Hindi play that Sutradhar comes on the stage and starts the play first and gives information to the audience and trys to connect to these play of Charles Dickens speaks about the Facts which are very much important horse and it's imagination and to Nat. Where Nat is totally unknown about the play Hard Times. So he also listens to the play of Hindi of Hard Times.
Where as Sutradhar says from each and everything we do one thing we can adapt new things to learn. Where our imagination shouldn't wasted something should be learned. Where it is said that from a daffer person also we can learn something in that way. Where from each story we learn something so let's take some good things here (Facts).
So the first line of the novel,
"Now  what I want is Facts Teach These Boys and Girls Nothing But Facts".
Where this novel is divided into three parts:
1. Sowing
2. Reaping
3. Garnering
Starting and at the end of the novel there is chorus song is played which is given below,

कमाल की कहानी यह हेतो बड़ी पुरानी जी।

पर गौर से जो देखेंगे तो साफ नजर आयेगी सच्चाई इसमें आजकी।

छू न जाए छाव अगर आप को ये आजाकी तो जो चाहे वो कहेना जी।

तो चार्ल्स डिकेन्स की तरह हम भी क्यों न करे कल्पना कॉकटाउन जैसे शहर की।

रंग जहां की नदी के निर्मल पानी का भी हो चुका ही बैंगनी,

ये मशीनी कारखानों का जमाना यूं समझो कि आज का है।

मैटेरियलिज्म पेर अपने अच्छी तरह जमा चुका है।

हर व्यापारी नेता को ये खेल समझ में आ चुका है।

आए हो इस दुनिया में तो कम करो कुछ ऐसा,

हाथो हाथ माल बीके, अच्छे खासे दाम मिले,

ताकि और ज्यादा हो मुनाफा।

Emotions, imagination या compassion से कभी, पेट किसका भरता है क्या?

इनके बदले डॉलर या फिर पाउंड किसी को मिलता है क्या?

इसीलिए तो नजर में इनकी करना और सहानुभूति या किसी से हमदर्दी चीजें हैं बेकार की?

पर गौर से जो देखेंगे तो साफ नजर आयेगी सच्चाई इसमें आजकी।
The final play also contains some of the outcomes:

अमीर हो गरीब हो चाहे, है आखिर इंसान।

बेल नही हम जो करे भाग भाग के काम, रात-दिन सुबह-शाम।

इसीलिए हम करे जगन, Tension थोड़ी हो कम।

कुछ तो मोज-मस्ती हो, या कोई ऐसा खेल-तमाशा।

सोच पुरानी बदले जो, नई सोच से करे शुरुआत।

किसकी है ये जिम्मेदारी, कौन करेगा 

कल्पना के घोड़े पर बैठे मिलकर साथ सब

दुनियाभर की सैर करे,

और दुसरो की गलतीओ से के सबक…

हर पेचीदा सवालों के जवाब ढूंढे हस्ते-हस्ते

ताकि सबकी जिंदगी में कुछ तो पड़े फरक।

For more better understanding you can prefer the links given below:
Thank you for visiting!!!

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