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Friday, 15 November 2024

Pravin Gadhvi's Laughing Buddha

 Laughing Buddha

This   blog is based on the Pravin Gadhvi's Poem Laughing Buddha assigned by Prakruti Bhatt Mam, Department of English, MKBU.

Pravin Gadhavi, born on May 13, 1951, serves as an IAS Officer in the Gujarat Government. He is also a renowned writer, with poetry collections titled 'Bayonet' (1985), 'Padchhayo' (1996), and 'Tunir' (2002). His short story compilations include 'Pratiksha' (1995), 'Antarvyatha' (1995), and 'Surajpankhi,' with the latter receiving an award from the Government of Gujarat.

Presented here is the entire poem, "Laughing Buddha", written by Pravin Gadhvi.

(Full Moon day of Buddha's birthday)

There was an

Underground atomic blast on

Buddha's birthday-a day of

Full Moon

Buddha laughed!

What a proper time!

What an auspicious day!

Buddha laughed!

At whom ?

There was a laughter on his

Lips and tears in his


He was dumb that day.


Buddha laughed!

Reference of the poem:

On May 18th, 1974, India became one of the few countries in the world to test a nuclear bomb. This big event happened in the desert of Rajasthan, at a place called the Pokhran Test Range. It was given the name "Smiling Buddha". Interestingly, this day was also Buddha Purnima, a very special day for Buddhists because it is the birthday of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha.

to get more information on operation smiling buddha (Click here)

Here is the answers to the questions related to Pravin Gadhvi's poem  Laughing Buddha 

 Q-1) What should be of a higher moral importance for governing bodies, national security, or basic needs of its citizens? What do you think is Gadhvi's opinion about this?


National security is important to keep a country safe from external threats. However, people's basic needs—like food, water, healthcare, and education—are crucial for a decent life. 

Gadhvi’s poem focuses on inner peace and harmony, which suggests that he may believe that taking care of citizens' basic needs should come first. If people’s basic needs are met, they can live peacefully, which would naturally make a nation secure.

Overview :While safety is crucial, it's equally important for governments to ensure that people’s basic needs are fulfilled for a truly peaceful society.

Q-2) In light of Henri Bergson's essay titled Laughter : An Essay On The Meaning Of The Comic,  share your thoughts about the possible interpretations of Buddha's laughter in Gadhvi's poem.


Henri Bergson believed that laughter arises from unexpected situations that don’t fit into our normal life experiences—like seeing someone trip in a funny way. 

In Gadhvi's poem, the Buddha's laughter is unexpected because he’s usually known for wisdom and calmness. His laughter here might reflect how absurd life can be. It could symbolize how life is full of contradictions but still offers moments of joy.

Or, maybe the laughter represents something deeper. It might be Buddha’s way of showing that life, with all its ups and downs, should be taken lightly, encouraging us to find peace even in difficult times.

Overview : Buddha’s laughter might invite us to see life’s contradictions with a lighter, more accepting view.

Q-3)  The rise and fall of significance of a particular moment in history depends on the narrative that is built around it. Discuss this statement with specific reference to Laughing Buddha. 


The poem talks about India's first nuclear test, called  Smiling Buddha on the Buddha’s birthday. This event was significant for India but happened during a time when many Indians were struggling with poverty. Critics saw it as a misuse of resources.

Initially, people criticized India for focusing on nuclear power instead of helping its citizens. But over time, as India's economic condition improved, later nuclear tests were seen as a sign of strength and progress.

Overview : This shows how the way we narrate history affects its significance. The same event can be viewed differently depending on the context and the stories people tell about it.

 Q-4) Share your interpretation of the lines: "What a proper time! What an auspicious day!"


The lines “What a proper time! What an auspicious day!” are deeply ironic. Normally, these words are used to celebrate something good, but here they describe a nuclear explosion on Buddha’s birthday—a day that represents peace and compassion.

By using words like 'proper' and 'auspicious' in this context, the poet makes us question how society can celebrate something so destructive. It’s a powerful way to criticize the gap between our ideals (peace) and our actions (violence).

Overview : These lines highlight the absurdity of celebrating a violent act on a day that’s supposed to symbolize peace, pushing us to rethink what we value as a society.

Thank you for visiting my blog!!!๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

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