BA' s Blog

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Aphra Behn's The Rover

Thinking Activity
This blog is a response to Aphra Behn's The Rover assigned by Megha Trivedi mam, the Department of English,MKBU.In this blog I'm going to discuss about the questions of the Play 'The Rover'.
Thinking Activity:
Here we Begin,
Q.1Angelica considers the financial negotiations that one makes before marrying a prospective bride the same as prostitution. Do you agree?
Response: Yes, I agree, now-a-days it's common that we can see around our society's for what they want they do makes financial negotiations in each and everybody's life which we can find here in these play of the Rover where Angelica does the same with Willmore before excepting him where Angelica as a prostitute does every time in the play 'The Rover' She demands a thousands Crowns per month from any of the man's. 
Thus, we can say that yes one Angelica makes before marrying prospective bride the same as a prostitution.

Q.2 "All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn, for it was She who earned, them the right to Speak their minds". Virginia Woolf said so in 'A Room of one's own'. Do you agree with this statement? Justify Your answer with reference to your reading of the play 'The Rover'.
Response: Yes, I do agree with this statement of Virginia Woolf said 'A Room of one's own' means here she trying to tell us that women's should have their own place to do something whether not be dependent where we should
Be financially independent and we should have what we want and be able to make money by our own self. Where Apra Behn used earn money by writing. Where she does the great achievement in the 17th where there were no values for Womens specially where there were many restrictions like for example, not to study, not to play just to live in homes and to do house works so women's should be financially independent.

Q.3 Which female character best represents the playwright, Aphra Behn? Consider the characteristics & belief of each female character, and make an argument that relates these distinctive attribute to what You know about Behn?
Response: First, I would say about the writer Apra Behn who lived in the half 17th Century which was very difficult time to live and write the play where Apra Behn did earning by writing that is a big task to fulfilled in the very bad time. So these female character makes an argument that relates these distinctive. 
So through the stories of Hellena, Florinda, and Angellica. Behn combines strong elements of feminism and libertinism by focusing on characteristics of marriage, self - Identity & representation. Each of these character types represents a different aspect of a Women's struggle to define herself during the Restoration.

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Saturday, 21 October 2023

Jonathan Swift(A Tale of a Tub)

Thinking Activity:
This blog is a response to the Thinking Activity of Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub task assigned by Vaidehi Haryani mam, the Department of English,MKBU. And in this blog I' m going to discuss about the Questions.
Thinking Activity:
Here we begin:
Q.1 How far do you think digression is necessary?
Response: According to me digression is almost very important becoz it takes us towards the diversion. Where every time if we write something and it is everytime straightford and that can make us bored to read so to read it enthusiastically  will make more interesting becoz it brings some of the diversed form in the reading or writing.
Why we should use digression?
That is one of the significance which consists of various reasons such as followed, 
1) To provide additional information, 
For example: Characters,settings or part of the play so it is necessary for the main story.
2) To add humour,
For example: In a funny way or to add fun in it.
3) To create suspense,
For example: The sailors throw tub into the sea to distract the Whale so this is a specific suspense of Swift who gives for naming the tale as A Tale of a Tub.
One more example of a digression is that  starting to tell a story about Photography when the main topic is Photosynthesis.
An act or instance of digressing, a wondering from the main subject in talking or walking.
Thus, I think digression is necessary.

Q.2 Identify any one movie/ web series/ song/ poem/ novel which talks about the sensitive topic like religion. Write in brief about it and explain what kind questions are raised through that work.
Response: I will discuss about the poem;
The poem:
God Is One
God is one for every one
The blue Sky up above

A temple few steps ahead
The Church bells ringing can be heard

A mosque near by gives a call
If only we understand

Then why do we hate each other
When God is there for every one
When God is one for every one.

 written by:  Rehanayakoob Yakoob

Here I will explain that simply as God is one where these poem talks about temple,the mosque, the Church and God is one for everyone.
So the questions can be raised like,
Q -1 why do people believe in different castes as religion?
Q - 2 Why does it have discrimination in sub - castes as a religion?
Q - 3 what the reason that we hate each other?
These type of questions are raised.
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Friday, 20 October 2023

Jude The Obscure by Thomas Hardy

 Thinking Activity: 

This blog is a response to Thinking Activity of Thomas Hardy's Jude The Obscure assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad Sir, the Department of English, MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about the question of Thomas Hardy's " Jude The Obscure".

Question 1) What is the Significance of epigraph written by Hardy - 'Letter Killeth' - for this novel, Jude the Obscure.



This novel is written by Thomas Hardy.

In these novel as in the starting of title we can understand the title which is Jude the Obscure where the word Obscure means Unknown which is hard to understand from where it starts with the Character Jude is the boy who was very small and he was an Orphan Child who lives with his aunt Drusilla who raised him. Who wants to follow the example of his teacher Mr. Phillotson, who leaves Marygreen for Christminister to take a university degree and Ordained. Where Jude is leaving with his aunt and helps his aunt in her bakery. And he tries hard to study and to move himself to Christminister for further study  and once he meets to Arabella and she forces him towards the marriage and he marries with her when afterwards she moves to Australia and Jude goes to Christminister's university where he was having one aspiration to go there and study and become something of himself good. Then again there also his cousin meets him who was Sue Bridehead who disturbs him in the university also and where he falls in love with her and where Sue wanted to work so Jude takes her to his Mr. Phillotson who gives her the job of training the students.

So in these way I will not write the similar thing as explained in the novel "Jude the Obscure" by Thomas Hardy. But I will explain in short the epigraph "Letter Killeth" in Thomas Hardy's " Jude the Obscure" means that strict rules and conventions which harms or" kills' his own individual spirit and happiness. 


In the noivel, it highlights how Society's rigid norms and traditions lead to suffering and tragedy for the characters, showing the Conflict between Societal expectations and personal desires.

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Sunday, 15 October 2023

Pride & Prejudice(Th)

 Thinking Activity

This blog is a response to Thinking Activity of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice assigned by Megha Trivedi mam, the Department of  English,MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about the related questions of Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Here we begin;

Q.1 Compare the narrative strategy of the novel & movie.

Response: In novel of Pride & Prejudice the narrative strategy is third person  omniscient narrater. Where we can see the direct speaking(telling)  of the story where Elizabeth is seen as she is expressing her feelings and others characters around her and where we can see that the narrator is accessing the story to us about the marriage and basics needs of the girls that they have to marry as it is the trend of traditional way of marrying which is passing on from the ancient time.

And where in the movie it is narrated by the different Characters  where Elizabeth is expressing her feelings  and by that we are getting the point of view of the narrative strategy is being understood very easily. And how the things work really in this movie Pride & Prejudice where Joe Wright represents the circular narrative way of the novel by Jane Austen. Where as the story first begin and it ends with the same idea.Where the first line of the story begins where the every single man is in the search of wife.

Q.2 Write an illustration of the Society of Jane Austen's time.

Response: At the time of the turning point of the 19th Century the novel of Pride & Prejudice was written where She used to Study at home by herself. Which was the bad in the history. Where we can see that no women's used to get study and there were illiterate community was in major form Specially girls don't used to get outside of the house and most of the women's used to do house wife's work. Where the Society was badly affected by the time of before 19th Century time where than too Jane Austen wrote first her work of novel Pride & Prejudice in the form of letters then She converted into the title First Impressions anonymously which was the great achivement bh her so these type of illustration was formed at her time in the Society.

Q.3 What if Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth never got together? what if Lydia's elopement had a different outcome?

Response: If Mr.Darcy & Elizabeth never got together than they would be in the practice of being together and would be trying their best if they wil understand each other and if they both would not be able to understand than they would live in the misunderstanding then they would not meet together. And it will be going on as it is. And one will be possible according to me that they will put their ego aside. And if not then they would not get married happily in their life. and they will be in infusion and just will be in thinking only.

In case of Lydia, there would be something else result like if Lydia have eloped with Mr. Wickham and would never come back then it would affect her all of the sisters and her all the sisters would not get never married according to the Societies thinking and all the people would start gossiping about her whole family. And her family would be living in the bad impression and would not find happiness and wil be unhappy through all over the life.

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Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Hard Times(Charles Dicken)

Thinking Activity
This blog is a response to Theory of Hard Times(Th Activity) assigned by Dilip Barad Sir, the Department of English,MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about Review of the Hindi play based on "Hard Times".

Now let's discuss the Review of Hindi play based on "Hard Times".
Hard Time is the novel written By Charles Dicken first written in the Serial form (as Hard Times For these Times) in the periodical Household Words from April to August 1854 and in book form later the same year. The novel is a bitter indictment Industrialization, with its dehumanizing effects on workers and communities in mid 19th Century England.

Direction and costume design:- - Kiran Deep Sharma

Adaptation and editing - V.K. Sharma, Kiran Deep Sharma Lyrics V.K. Sharma

Music direction - Kashish Sharma

Voice training and flute - Esra Seher Jung

Roles played as:
Aarti Vasan - Jane and Josephine
Aakash Hingorani - Josiah Bounderby, clown
Abhishekh - Childers, Jupe, doctor. Chitra clown, Mrs. Pegler -
Isha Mrs. Gradgrind, Mrs. Sparsit -
Jyotsana - Louisa
Kajori - Rachel
KiranDeep Sharma - singer
Kunal - Tom, clown
Lakshya Goel - Stephen, narrator, stuntman Prakash Mr. Sleary, James Harthouse.
Pulkit - butler, clown
Santosh - Dilkhush, circus crowd
Saif Bitzer, stuntman Sajid Anwer Mr. Choakumchild, Kidder, Stephen's wife
Shubham - Sissy
Sudipto Banerjee - Mr. Gradgrind
V.K. Sharma - narrator
(This information of play is taken from the video of Hindi play based on Hard Times)
As we know that these play is Based on Hard Times written bh Charles Dicken and it is interesting to watch.
In these hindi  play we can find two Characters 1st one is Sutradhar,
2nd one is Nat.
Where we can see in the Hindi play that Sutradhar comes on the stage and starts the play first and gives information to the audience and trys to connect to these play of Charles Dickens speaks about the Facts which are very much important horse and it's imagination and to Nat. Where Nat is totally unknown about the play Hard Times. So he also listens to the play of Hindi of Hard Times.
Where as Sutradhar says from each and everything we do one thing we can adapt new things to learn. Where our imagination shouldn't wasted something should be learned. Where it is said that from a daffer person also we can learn something in that way. Where from each story we learn something so let's take some good things here (Facts).
So the first line of the novel,
"Now  what I want is Facts Teach These Boys and Girls Nothing But Facts".
Where this novel is divided into three parts:
1. Sowing
2. Reaping
3. Garnering
Starting and at the end of the novel there is chorus song is played which is given below,

कमाल की कहानी यह हेतो बड़ी पुरानी जी।

पर गौर से जो देखेंगे तो साफ नजर आयेगी सच्चाई इसमें आजकी।

छू न जाए छाव अगर आप को ये आजाकी तो जो चाहे वो कहेना जी।

तो चार्ल्स डिकेन्स की तरह हम भी क्यों न करे कल्पना कॉकटाउन जैसे शहर की।

रंग जहां की नदी के निर्मल पानी का भी हो चुका ही बैंगनी,

ये मशीनी कारखानों का जमाना यूं समझो कि आज का है।

मैटेरियलिज्म पेर अपने अच्छी तरह जमा चुका है।

हर व्यापारी नेता को ये खेल समझ में आ चुका है।

आए हो इस दुनिया में तो कम करो कुछ ऐसा,

हाथो हाथ माल बीके, अच्छे खासे दाम मिले,

ताकि और ज्यादा हो मुनाफा।

Emotions, imagination या compassion से कभी, पेट किसका भरता है क्या?

इनके बदले डॉलर या फिर पाउंड किसी को मिलता है क्या?

इसीलिए तो नजर में इनकी करना और सहानुभूति या किसी से हमदर्दी चीजें हैं बेकार की?

पर गौर से जो देखेंगे तो साफ नजर आयेगी सच्चाई इसमें आजकी।
The final play also contains some of the outcomes:

अमीर हो गरीब हो चाहे, है आखिर इंसान।

बेल नही हम जो करे भाग भाग के काम, रात-दिन सुबह-शाम।

इसीलिए हम करे जगन, Tension थोड़ी हो कम।

कुछ तो मोज-मस्ती हो, या कोई ऐसा खेल-तमाशा।

सोच पुरानी बदले जो, नई सोच से करे शुरुआत।

किसकी है ये जिम्मेदारी, कौन करेगा 

कल्पना के घोड़े पर बैठे मिलकर साथ सब

दुनियाभर की सैर करे,

और दुसरो की गलतीओ से के सबक…

हर पेचीदा सवालों के जवाब ढूंढे हस्ते-हस्ते

ताकि सबकी जिंदगी में कुछ तो पड़े फरक।

For more better understanding you can prefer the links given below:
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Pamela(Samuel Richardson)

 Thinking Activity:

This blog is a response to Pamela was present in these Contemporary time, will the story take any changes, assigned by Vaidehi Haryani mam, the Department of English, MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about Pamela present in the Contemporary Story time.

Thinking Activity - Pamela or Virtue Rewarded (Samuel Richardson)

Samuel Richardson (1689 - 1761) was an English writer & Printer, best known for his influential novels. He was born in Derbyshire, England, & began his Career as an apprentice to a Printer. Richardson eventually established his own Printing Business, which became successful & allowed him to pursue writing.
Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) is a famous example of an epistolary novel, or a novel Composed of letters. 

Now lets discuss the question based on thinking activity,

# If Pamela was in the Contemporary time, will the Story take any changes?


Yes, if she was there or present in these Contemporary time, as a 15 year old girl. She would be Studying in School and She would be educated and would not work as a Servant. She would work as an employee in the Private or government sector as a teacher,professor etc. And she would be very free to learn new things and make herself Strong and would be able to do anything whatever She might feels good or would think according to herself and She would not work in any other fields like Servant,Shoemaker etc. And She would be a Professional person.

And now - a - days Women's  are also getting the same opportunity and same rights to work as a man do anything in a equal way as a man do same manner the women's can also do any work like teacher, Choreographer, Singer, Actor, Artist, Professor, Fashion Designer, Computer engineer, Software engineer etc.

It is said like,

"Education is the most Powerful Weapon".

So by educating people becomes so strong that no one can defeat them by any means and they would face each and every Challenge very easily. She would not get misused like in her life as Mr.B cannot misused her. And She would not accept any mischief of Mr.B and She would defeat him(Mr.B) in a very easy way.

And She would not remain good to everyone but She will act according to person's behaviour like if Mr.B will misused her and in same way she would misused which is similar to the thought of "Tit for Tat".


At the end we can say that she will not remain as a virtuous. Where the good is virtued and the bad is punished which message is given in the novel Pamela by Samuel Richardson.

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Sunday, 8 October 2023

Pride & Prejudice(Joe Wright) & Frankenstein(Kenneth Branagh)

This blog is a response to Movie Review of Pride & Prejudice Movie directed by Joe Wright.And Frankenstein Movie directed by Kenneth Branagh assigned by Megha Trivedi mam, the Department of English,MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about Movie Review.

# First, I will discuss about the Pride & Prejudice, a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Joe Wright Movie Review:
"Pride & Prejudice," the 2005 romantic drama film directed by Joe Wright, stands as a noteworthy adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel. This cinematic interpretation skillfully captures the timeless essence of Austen's work while adding a distinct visual and emotional dimension.

Visually, the film is a masterpiece. Wright's direction, coupled with the cinematography by Roman Osin, paints a vivid and enchanting portrait of the English countryside. The lush landscapes, grand estates, and exquisite period costumes transport viewers to the early 19th century, immersing them in the world of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

In the role of Elizabeth Bennet, Keira Knightley delivers a captivating performance. Her portrayal of the sharp-witted and independent heroine is both spirited and relatable. Knightley brings a fresh perspective to Elizabeth's character, emphasizing her resilience and intelligence. Similarly, Matthew Macfadyen's Mr. Darcy is brooding and enigmatic, offering a contrasting yet compelling presence. The chemistry between Knightley and Macfadyen is palpable, making their evolving relationship a central and engaging aspect of the story.

The film successfully explores the societal norms and class distinctions of the era, emphasizing the importance of marriage for women and the prejudices that can cloud judgment. It introduces us to the Bennet family, skillfully portrayed by actors like Donald Sutherland, Brenda Blethyn, and Judi Dench, each contributing to the rich tapestry of characters. While some purists might find fault in the condensation of the plot and certain deviations from the source material, these changes are made to suit the medium of film and do not significantly detract from the core themes.

One of the film's strengths lies in its ability to convey the subtleties of human interaction. It expertly navigates the intricacies of love, pride, and societal expectations. The emotional depth of the characters, their flaws, and their personal growth throughout the story make "Pride & Prejudice" a resonant and touching experience.


"Pride & Prejudice" (2005) is a beautifully crafted adaptation that breathes life into Jane Austen's beloved novel. It offers a visual feast for the eyes, compelling performances by the cast, and a poignant exploration of love and societal pressures. While it may not adhere strictly to the source material, it remains a remarkable romantic drama that can be enjoyed by both Austen enthusiasts and newcomers to the story. Joe Wright's direction and the performances of the cast ensure that this adaptation continues to be cherished by audiences for years to come. ( click here)
For further better under standing you can click on link given above.( Pride & Prejudice)

# Second I will discuss  about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a 1994 Science fiction horror film directed by Kenneth Branagh Moview Review:

"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" is a 1994 film directed by Kenneth Branagh that attempts to bring the classic Gothic novel to life on the big screen. Starring Branagh himself as Victor Frankenstein and Robert De Niro as the Creature, the film takes some creative liberties with the source material while staying true to its core themes.

Visually, the film is a sumptuous feast for the eyes, with lavish period costumes and intricate set designs that capture the essence of 19th-century Europe. Branagh's direction, influenced by his Shakespearean background, lends a theatrical quality to the film, which can be both captivating and melodramatic at times. The cinematography, led by director of photography Roger Pratt, creates a dark and moody atmosphere that is well-suited to the story's Gothic elements.

One of the standout performances in the film is Robert De Niro as the Creature. His portrayal brings a sense of tragedy to the character, emphasizing the Creature's isolation and longing for acceptance. De Niro's physical transformation for the role is commendable, and he manages to convey a complex range of emotions despite the character's limited dialogue.

On the other hand, Kenneth Branagh's Victor Frankenstein is portrayed with a passionate intensity that sometimes borders on over-the-top. While this interpretation captures the character's obsession with his scientific pursuits, it can also make him appear less sympathetic and relatable to the audience.

The supporting cast, including Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth and Tom Hulce as Henry Clerval, delivers solid performances, but the film's focus remains primarily on the tumultuous relationship between Victor and his creation.

One of the film's major departures from the novel is its exploration of Victor's romantic relationship with Elizabeth, which is given more prominence and a different dynamic. This choice adds a layer of complexity to the story but may not sit well with purists of the original text.

The screenplay, adapted by Steph Lady and Frank Darabont, takes liberties with the source material to streamline the narrative for a cinematic audience. While this decision can be divisive among fans of the novel, it does make for a more accessible and emotionally charged story.

"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" is a visually stunning and emotionally charged adaptation of the classic novel. Kenneth Branagh's direction and Robert De Niro's performance as the Creature are highlights of the film. However, the film's departures from the source material and Branagh's occasionally melodramatic portrayal of Victor Frankenstein may not resonate with all viewers. Despite its flaws, the film remains a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of themes such as the consequences of unchecked ambition and the nature of humanity. It's a unique take on a timeless tale that is worth experiencing for fans of the Frankenstein mythos and those interested in Gothic cinema.
 For better understanding you prefer the given below link:

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Friday, 6 October 2023

Mary Shelley's Frankstein

Thinking Task
This blog is a response to Thinking Task of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein assigned by Megha Trivedi mam, the Department of English, MKBU. In this blog I'm going to discuss about the related question of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
Here we begin:

Q-1 what are some major differences between the movie and the novel Frankenstein?
1 response:

There are several major differences between the movie adaptations of "Frankenstein" and Mary Shelley's original novel:

1. Characterization:
 In the novel, Victor Frankenstein is portrayed as a more complex and tormented character. His motivations and inner thoughts are explored in greater depth. In some movie adaptations, his character may be simplified or altered.

2. Creature's Appearance: 
The novel provides a detailed description of the creature as hideous and grotesque, while some movie versions depict the creature in varying ways, often with makeup and special effects that differ from the book's description.

3. Framing Narrative: 
The novel uses a framing narrative with multiple narrators, while many movies simplify the narrative structure, focusing more on Victor's perspective.

4. Creature's Intelligence: 
The creature in the novel is highly intelligent and learns to speak and read on his own. Some movie adaptations downplay this intelligence for dramatic effect.

5. Additional Characters: 
Movies may introduce new characters or omit some from the novel, altering the relationships and dynamics within the story.

6. Setting and Time Period: 
Some adaptations may update the story's setting or time period to make it more relevant to contemporary audiences.

7. Themes and Moral Implications: 
The novel explores complex themes, including the consequences of scientific ambition and societal rejection. Movie adaptations may emphasize different themes or simplify the moral dilemmas.

8. Endings: 
The novel's ending is different from various movie adaptations. Some movies opt for more dramatic or visually striking conclusions.


These are just a few examples, and the degree to which these differences exist can vary widely among different film adaptations of Frankenstein.

Q-2 Who do you think a real monster?
2 response:
According to me the Creater of monster is a real monster bcoz, he means the Creater created him and he lived him alone and people and everyone is afraid of him and the monster became  also afraid  and bcoz of his weird looking people made him a bad and the evil person. And so I think as the Creater of the monster is a Creater. And he used to live alone.

Q-3 Do you think the search for knowledge is dangerous and destructive.
3 response:
The search for knowledge itself is not inherently dangerous or destructive. In fact, it's a fundamental aspect of human progress and understanding. However, the way knowledge is pursued and applied can have both positive and negative consequences. Knowledge can be used for constructive purposes, such as advancing medicine, technology, and improving society. On the other hand, it can also be misused, leading to destructive outcomes if not guided by ethical principles and a responsible approach. So, the danger and destructiveness often come from how knowledge is used rather than the act of seeking knowledge itself. It's essential for society to promote responsible and ethical practices in the pursuit and application of knowledge to minimize potential harm.

Q-4 Do you think  Victor Frankenstein's
creature was inherently  evil or did Society's rejection and mistreatment turn him into a monster? 
4 response:
Victor Frankenstein's creature, often referred to as "Frankenstein's Monster," is a complex character in Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein." Many interpretations of the story suggest that the creature was not inherently evil but was driven to commit destructive acts due to the rejection and mistreatment he experienced from society.
The novel portrays the creature as initially innocent and benevolent, but he becomes increasingly bitter and vengeful as he is repeatedly rejected and isolated by humans. It could be argued that it was the creature's experiences and the way he was treated that turned him into a "monster" in the eyes of society.
In this interpretation, the novel raises questions about the nature of evil and the role of society in shaping individuals' behavior. It's a classic example of the "nature vs. nurture" debate, suggesting that external factors and treatment can play a significant role in determining one's actions and character.
Q-5 Should there be limits on Scientific exploration? If so, what  should those limitsbe?
5 response:
Scientific exploration should have ethical and safety limits in place to ensure responsible research. These limits typically include:

1. Ethical considerations: Research should not harm humans, animals, or the environment. It should adhere to ethical standards, such as informed consent and respect for cultural and moral values.

2. Safety precautions: Researchers must prioritize safety to prevent accidents or unintended consequences. Risk assessments and safety protocols are essential.

3. Legal regulations: Compliance with laws and regulations, such as those governing bioethics, environmental protection, and intellectual property, is crucial.

4. Dual-use concerns: Scientists should be aware of the potential for their research to be used for harmful purposes, such as in the development of weapons.

5. Privacy and data protection: Personal data and privacy should be respected, with strict guidelines for data collection, storage, and sharing.

Balancing scientific freedom with these limits is a complex task, but it's necessary to ensur
We have some responsible and ethical scientific progress.

We have some more images related to it:

For further better under standing you click on the movie link given below:

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Thinking Activity : Vulture Poem

   'Vulture' by  Chinua Achebe This blog is a part of thinking activity about the poems in which I am going to discuss about the poe...