BA' s Blog

Monday, 20 November 2023

Th Activity(Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest)

 Thinking Task:

Hello Friends!

Thinking task assigned by Megha mam on the play 'The Importance of Being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde.In this blog I'm going to discuss the Questions related to the Play.

Q.1 Wilde originally subtitled The Importance of Being Earnest "A Serious Comedy for Trivial People" but changed that to "A Trivial Comedy for Serious people." What is the difference between the two Subtitles.

Response :

 The subtitled on "A Trivial Comedy for Serious People" which seems funny and humorous.

Q.2 Which of the female Characters is the most attractive to you among Lady Augusta Bracknell, Gwendolen Fairfax, Cecily Cardew, & Miss Prism? Give your reasons for her being the most attractive among all.

Response : 

1) Lady Augusta Bracknell : 

She is very Snobbish and domineering aunt of Algernon and mother of Gwendolen and very cunning, narrow minded and most quotable Character in the Play.

2) Cecily Cardew: She is the most realistically drawn Character in the play. She is the Ward of Jack and She falls in love with Algernon where she thinks that he is Ernest. And She imagines about earnest so She is the most attractive Character.

3)Miss Prism:

Cecily's Governess. She speaks of having once written a novel whose manuscript was lost or abandoned. Also, She entertains romantic feelings for Dr. Chasuble.

4) Gwendolen Fairfax :

Algernon's Cousin & Lady Bracknell's daughter. Gwendolen is in love with Jack, whom She knows as Ernest. A model & arbiter of high fashion & Society. And She is Sophisticated and intelligent.

Q.3 The Play repeatedly mocks Victorian traditions & Social Customs, marriage, & the pursuit of love in particular. Through which situations & Characters is this happening in the Play ?

Response : 

In this play 'The Importance of Being Earnest' where one of the Character named Algernon makes a fake name 'Bunbury' or a imaginable 'Bunbury' that he is his sick friend. Where Algernon says no to Aunt Augusta Lady Bracknell that he will not able to come tonight dinner. Where they both Characters play double role of one Character name 'Ernest' which shows aristocratic status which consist of produce vibrations and aristocratic name highlights so much in the play. Because Algernon loves to Cecily who is the Jack's ward. And Jack loves to Gwendolen Fairfax.

Q.4 Queer scholars have argued that the play's themes of duplicity and ambivalence are inextricably bound up with Wilde's homosexuality, and that the play exhibits a "flickering presence-absence of… homosexual desire" Do you agree with this observation? Give your arguments to justify your stance.

Response :

Yes, I do agree with this observation.

Here in the play 'The Importance of Being Earnest',where Algernon creates fake Bunbury which seems which shows homosexuality of the author Oscar Wilde. And here the Characters also act like they loves the male characters more where more woman characters of the play 'The Importance of Being Earnest' where the male characters are attracted towards the male only not the female characters where the play itself is written by Oscar Wilde so some of the Scholars are saying that he is having homosexual type of quality which proofs that yes he was gay. where we can see his desire to love the male ones the most than the female characters.

Q .5 Critique on this Play "The Importance of Being Earnest" with its similar adaptations.


"The  Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde is a funny play that makes fun of the rules and expectations of Victorian society. It tells the story of two guys, Algernon and Jack, who use fake
identities to deal with society's strict norms, leading to hilarious mix-ups.

Wilde uses clever language and jokes to show how silly and superficial the upper class can be. The play's humor comes from characters pretending to be someone they're not and the misunderstandings that follow.

Different versions of the play have been made over the years, but they all keep Wilde's clever humor and critique of society intact. This play is like a timeless joke that still makes people laugh today, showing how Wilde's insights remain relevant in different times and cultures.

Thank You for visiting !

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